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Device Information /api

P1 Meter
Requires Firmware 6.00
Energy Socket
Supported in v1
Energy Display
In development
kWh Meter
Supported in v1
Supported in v1
Plug-In Battery

See Supported Devices for more information.

The /api endpoint allows you to get basic information from the device.

Your application can use this endpoint to see if your integration is designed to work with this version of the API. You can validate your support based on the combination of product_type and api_version. Data points in this endpoint that are currently available won't change, but make sure your application can accept new data points for future updates.


product_nameStringA fixed, user-friendly name. This name is not the same that is set by the user in the app.
product_typestringThe type identifier of the product which can be used to customize the user interface. See devices for possible values.
serialstringSerial number, also the MAC address. Consists of 12 hexadecimal values.
firmware_versionstringThe current firmware version. Make sure your application can handle other version formats. See Versioning and updates
api_versionstringThe current API version, currently "2.0.0".


curl https://<IP ADDRESS>/api --insecure \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
-H "X-Api-Version: 2" \
https/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"product_name": "P1 Meter",
"product_type": "HWE-P1",
"serial": "5c2fafaabbcc",
"firmware_version": "6.00",
"api_version": "2.0.0"